- (Best Scholarly Book Award from Korea Government (교과부 지정 우수학술 도서), 2009) Sekyung Han, 뇌를 자극하는 프로그래밍 원리, ISBN : 978-89-7914-506-9, Hanbit Media, Korea, 2008
- (In Press) Jaeyoung Lee, Sekyung Han, 쉽게 읽는 하드웨어 & 소프트웨어의 원리와 구조), ISBN: 978-89-97924-07-3, Roadmap, Korea, 2013
- Sekyung Han, Implementation of Korean chess using artificial intelligence game theory., Monthly Technical Magazine: Programming World,1999.12~2000.2
- Smart Grid Yearbook 2019, (book chapter), Electronic Newspaper
Technical Magazines
- Sekyung Han, Implementation of Korean chess using artificial intelligence game theory., Monthly Technical Magazine: Programming World,1999.12~2000.2
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